Eli Partin

Eli Partin

Eli has been ringing for 13 years, although if you count the time that their mom rang handbells while pregnant with them, Eli has been ringing since before they were born! They took a few years off while they were in college at Arizona State University, however, they’re very happy to be back. When they’re not ringing, Eli is a caretaker and enjoys quilting. Eli is in 3 different handbell choirs here in Albuquerque, and loves all of the different ways each choir helps them grow as a musician. Their favorite part of Enchantment is getting to ring with their mom, Susan Brumbaugh!

Eli has a B.A. in Digital Culture with a concentration in Music, and plans to get a Ph.D in psychology someday. They also play tenor sax and bass clarinet, and have been involved in musical groups in one way or another since childhood.